Asleep in the Black

He walked aimlessly for the length of the long night.. His footfalls silent.. the world around him greytones and yet still.. on he went.. wandering into the blackness.. seeking the end.

The world around him darkened the void taking him.. still he moved deeper.. Deeper into the blackness.. soon he would find the end.. the edge of the darkness.. and here he would lay himself to rest.. to endlessly rest.. beyond the flow of time.. beyond what may come..

He had spent the long years since they parted company.. wandering.. Seeking.. something. Any feeling.. to fill the whole she had left.. to be more then the hollow husk he had become since she had gone.. But in the end.. None had ever taken Her place.. None had ever truly filled the emptiness within him.. Even her. His own perfect childe.. Sired of his bloodline.. Perfect.. Beautiful..

For the briefest fraction of a moment he had thought he might climb back from the precipice of madness that he had stood upon for some many blackened years.. But now.. Now he risked not only the return.. but dragging her with him over the edge.. And that.. That he could not do.

She had seen some sort of man within the monster.. and that would offer him some warmth.. Some comfort.. even as he entered into the long dreamless.. empty sleep. She had asked if he would awake.. if she would know.. He had said he could not be certain.. but that was lie. Told only to benefit her. He had chosen this place to rest.. because he knew within the void.. Within the perfect blackness of this place, this space between the worlds.. Nothing would ever disturb him.. Nothing would ever awaken him..

He had chosen this place because it had been the temptation that had nearly killed him in life.. His pursuit of it’s power had nearly destroyed him.. and though it could not touch this immortal form.. here it would hardly matter.. Absent anything.. Any sound.. Any sight.. Any smell..

He would sleep beyond the flow of centuries.. beyond the flow of millennium..

And so.. He that could not die.. Would finally meet Death.

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