Would you like a mailbox? That’s great, because now we have mailboxes. You can request a mailbox from the staff team.
Mailbox restrictions:
* Can only be opened by someone on the staff team, or the actual player character who owns the mailbox.
* Anyone can place items in another character’s mailbox by dropping the items onto the box.
* Normally each character can only have one mailbox, however, exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis
NOTE: While there is a mailbox ‘room’ in Narrowhaven keep, you are not required to have your mailbox there. It can also be placed at a house that you own if you would rather do that. That cannot include tents. The mailbox will be set movable false so that you cannot carry it around with you.
Why were mailboxes added?
* Without using vendors this offers the potential for characters who are roleplaying as full time crafters to engage in the exchange of goods through the mailbox system if they so desire (extremely helpful for specialty orders and for receiving goods when the other player is not online).