Adventure into an Unknown Cavern

Blake was rummaging through his bank chest today as a young man walked in speaking of a cavern in which he had met danger. Blake ears always perked when people spoke of hidden dangers. He placed his coinpurse into the chest and pushed it forward for Ceara. He turned and asked the man what he knew of the cavern and the young man told him of Orks. Blake had a curious hate for Orks though he could still not remember why. The young man introduced himself as Trystan and offered Blake a job: Scout the Dungeon and report back with his findings. Easy enough for a scout such as he.

The two ventured to a library and Trystan informed Blake of how to reach the cavern.


Blake immediately hide as a troll and two ogres were evident in the area. He ventured slowly into the cavern, no torch needed. Upon entrance, Hawthorne noted that some fresh Ork bodies lay slain on the cavern floor. Blake’s smile grew as he ventured further finding more and more dead Orks.


He slipped further through the passages until he heard shouting from a distance. He had heard these phrases before but he knew not where. Until finally he made his way closer to find a Dragon Tamer. Blake knew that the being was unaware of his presence. And he knew that this was definitely the one that had been killing the Orks. He decided to follow the Tamer and his Dragon through the cave.


The entrance to the next level of the cavern seemed to slip along some mine cart tracks and he knew that there would be great treasures and ores inside.


Blake ventured in steps behind the Dragon Tamer and unnoticed throughout the dungeon. He overheard the Tamer’s commands as he shouted at his Dragon to kill the Orks. In the next large open room stood an Ork that must have been the height of three men! The Dragon made no problem with this Ork.


The shouting of the other smaller Orks was music to Blake ears. They all ran in opposite directions trying to escape their own demise at the hands of the Great Dragon.


The Ranger Scout walked around the cave while the Dragon finished breathing on the rest of the Orks. He found treasures including Diamonds and other gems that the Orks mined during their stay.


In the next large opening Blake had arrived before the Dragon Tamer. He saw the Ferocious BattleWarg that the Young Boy had told him about. It was truly an ugly beast. Claws and fangs, and even a saddle sat on its back. It seemed the Orks had tamed the beast and were riding them. The Dragon soon came into the room and made short work of the Ork Bombers. The Battlewarg was a bit tougher but it too fell in quite a short time.


Shortly after the Dragon had bit the head off the Warg, Another warg appeared. This one had a Lord Orc on its back carrying a mighty Axe. It appered to be a Chief of sorts and was certainly tougher than the Ork Brute from before. The Dragon struggled with this one for a short while but the Tamer helped to keep him healed. With the help of the Tamer the Dragon felled the Ork Lord. The Dragon Tamer made his way back out of the cavern and Blake decided it best to do the same.


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